Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Miss. Negativity

Today I am working from home. I always enjoy the days that I get to telecommute; no long drive into work so it frees up a little time for me to cook or meditate or whatever. So, here I am wandering around this morning straightening up the house, when I hear from Trish, "Mark won't listen to me, but the National Guard is in New Orleans because people are getting murdered down there". Mark is in New Orleans this week because he HAS to travel there for work. That remark sent me closer to a panic attack than I have been in months. I just went into my bedroom, closed the door and waited for her to leave for work. I think if I had replied at all it would have hurt here feelings and I am trying to follow the precept of mindful speech.

Trish is aware of the fact that I have been on medications and go to therapy for anxiety. I have made lots of changes in my life so that anxiety is not a daily occurrence. I encourage people around me to be positive and have asked most of the people around me to not to convey to me negative ideas, thoughts, energy, news, etc. I am even careful as to what I expose myself to in the newspaper so as not to cause any anxiety. I have specifically explained to Trish all of this!! I am at a loss as to what to do. I don't want to make a big deal about it because, guess what, that makes me anxious. I can't continue to be exposed to negative thoughts, ideas and energy. Any thoughts please let me know.

1 comment:

ninjapoodles said...

I guess total avoision (Kent Brockman word) is out of the question?

If it helps, I just went to the ABC News site and read the story posted an hour ago, and unless Mark is roaming the streets "in ravaged neighborhoods left deserted by Katrina," then I'd take a deep breath and not worry. And not to state the obvious, but Mark is THERE, and Mark HAS a brain in his head, and is more than able to assess risk and take appropriate measures, including leaving if need be.

So, in this case, I'd let my confidence in Mark become my peace of mind.