Monday, September 04, 2006

The Thread of Happiness

So, once again it has been a long time since I posted. I think in the past my lack of posting has been due to my low energy level, but things have changed for the better in the last couple of months. I recently re-read several of the books by Dr. Andrew Weil. His book "Spontaneous Healing" gave me some ideas to try and they have really made a difference in my life.

As most of you know I have been interested in the environment for some time now. A constant consumer of books, web-sites, movies that explain and clarify how we, the human species, are destroying and polluting the Earth, our only place to live. In "Spontaneous Healing" Dr. Weil gives the case histories of several people who were either abandoned by the traditional medical establishment or were prescribed treatments that had side effects that were intolerable. I think one of the main ideas he was trying to get across is that we are responsible for our own mental and physical health. Our health is determined by the things we expose ourself to, both mentally and physically. If we consume unhealthy food, expose ourselves to negative people, fill our minds with the horrors of the world, pollute our homes with toxic substances then we will not be positive healthy people. This turned the light bulb on in my head. For years my intuition has been telling me to lead a more spiritual life, eat vegetarian, surround myself with serenity and peace. I have tried to do all of these things off and on, but with little success. I would find myself giving in to the consumer, least effort society we live in. It is easier and cheaper to pick up some unhealthy fast food than to spend the time and energy required to prepare a vegetarian meal from organic sources. It is easier to turn off your mind and stare at the televison than to practice meditation, yoga or some other uplifting and calming activety.

From the depths of a really low energy, anxiety ridden time I decided to be responsible for my own health and happiness. I now clean my home with only non-toxic products. I prepare organic vegetarian food in my home. I meditate daily. I protect myself from negative people & negative news. I have learned that you do not have to explain to anyone the actions that you take to protect yourself. I have learned that a lot of people feel the need to question, criticize anything you may do that is different. I have had untold numbers of people tell me that I will not get enough protein unless I consume animal flesh, even though I have heard of no mass starvation of the hundreds of thousands of vegetarians in the world. I have had people try to tell me the horrible things that appear in the news daily, even though I have asked them to please not do so. The list can go on and on of the intrusions on my serinity and personal choices I have made. Choices that I have made to be happy, healthy and free of misery. Choices that I have made to lessen my foot print on this earth. Choices that I have made to connect to the ever present, all inclusive spiritual energy of this universe. I have finally realized that I do not have to defend my self and my decisions. I can choose to listen and ignore or I can choose to walk away. Protecting my happiness and wholeness is what is most important. Part of my happiness and wholeness is not causing others harm, so I try to be as polite as I can be when I find that I have to excuse myself, but a simple change of the subject usually works.

What I have discovered with these changes is a thread of happiness. A thread that runs through my days and nights. Bad things may happen all around me. Confusion, anger, greed, negativity, may swirl around me like a cyclone, but I can stand in this thread of happiness & calm and esentially not be affected. Don't get me wrong I still have some low energy days, but the nice thing is that I can usually tie it down to some toxic exposure, whether it be mental or physical, note its effect on me and choose not to let that happen again. It is my wish that all could find this place. It is my wish that I continue to dwell in this place.