Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks!

I have always been a bit suspicious of those that go around complaining a bit too loudly about something that has no effect on their lives. It appears that my suspicions may be well founded. In what the media is framing as a scandel yet another man who spent way too much time complaining about "The Homosexual Agenda" has been caught with his pants down, so to speak. I don't expect everyone to always live up to the ideals that they expound, but please, if you are going to be a public figure and make some position the cornerstone of your life, try to model your actions on that position.

I am no more shocked by the Senator in the restroom than I would be if they caught the head of PETA with a cheeseburger hanging out of his mouth, but at least eating a cheeseburger in public is legal. For some reason the closeted Republicans can't manage to just have a homosexual encounter either, they have to twist it up with something slimy or illegal; propositioning underage pages, sex in public, smoking crack with your long time prostitute trick. I just don't get it. I have been out of the closet for a long time now and had to learn about the secret gay signals for bathroom sex from a conservative, republican, senior citizen, Senator with a wife and a few kids, something is really wrong with that. What makes it even worse is it gives the general public, who may not have met a nice middle class gay man, the impression that we are always up to something really gross. NOT TRUE!! I get up every morning and go about a pretty normal day. I don't hang out in public restrooms, I don't try to pick up children, I don't do drugs, hell I don't even smoke anymore! I live in the typical suburban home with my partner of 11 years and a couple of dogs and a cat.

What amazes me even more is that if in the last year so many homophobic public figures have been caught engaging in activeties that they publically denounce, how many of them are up to the same thing but have enough sense not to get caught? All of them? Are gay men really supposed to be conservative, republicans and I never got the memo? These family values folks really do protest too much!