Tuesday, July 19, 2005

When did shopping become so important?

So, the other day my partner and I were out shopping and I thought to myself; David why are you always shopping? Then I realized, we've all been tricked. We thought "1984" and "Brave New World" were just crazy projections about what could happen to us, but the thing is it DID happen, just in a different way. We spend our lives going to work so we can go to the mall and buy stuff and then our neighbor goes to work more than we do, so we have to go to work more so we can buy the same stuff they buy. The whole time we are busy looking at new sheets that are 5,000,000 count or hot tubs that have a built in tv, dvd player and surround sound, we have soldiers around the world killing and torturing so the U.S. can have all the oil. We don't just want some of the oil, we want it all. We do not want to think about the day that all the oil is gone and our Hot Tub with tv, dvd player and surround sound is now our wash tub and we have to go drag our 5,000,000 count sheets to it once a week to keep them clean. We don't want to think about where our food comes from because what will we do without strawberries in the dead of winter. We don't want to think about all the crap we dump in our lakes and streams, but we will when water is not in nice clean plastic bottles at the Kroger. The thing is we don't want to think about any of that and we don't have to! Someone else is doing all the thinking for you. All you need to do is go to work and go to the mall and watch some reality tv. But don't think about reality, I mean the real reality, its scary.

1 comment:

ninjapoodles said...

If you will learn how to spin yarn, weave and loom, I will make soap and milk the goats...and make goat-milk soap. Of course, I'm gonna have to offend your vegetarian sensibilities at some point in this arrangement by eating a chicken. They's just so darn tasty.